10 Years of Theatre Design
I only just realised that i have been designing theatre posters for ten years now!
This was like most things something i fell into by accident. I have always been inspired by movie posters especially the work of Drew Struzan (the man is a god), and by the modern rock poster. I have always wanted to push the quite stuffy, classic theatre poster design down this more visual route, I have always felt that the poster is the first visual hit, so if it looks amateur you would be less likely to spend you money on that particular show. So with that in mind i have strived to give a more cinematic or rock poster design, riff on popular culture and try and bring theatre from this 'Elitist' social standing back to a open forum for everyone.
My early work is quite dated now, but some of the ideas are still strong, I always try to design with a concept behind the piece but sometimes the client just wants classical. The work has definitely improved with age and experience. I now hear people saying 'I saw the poster and wanted to check out the show' or 'These guys are amateur?!! but their set up looks so professional!' this means i have done my job properly.
The posters below are in no particular order, but please note the Wyrd Sisters poster the image was licensed to me by the extremely talented Paul Kidby.
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